Contributing to the National Strategy on Drug Awareness among Youths
The Minister for Social Justice and Solidarity, the Family and Children’s Rights, Hon. Michael Falzon, and the Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities, Hon. Alex Muscat announced Community Malta Agency’s contribution of €90,000 towards a national strategy aimed at youths, their parents, and educators. The aim is to create awareness about the use of drugs and other substances, while paving the way to rehabilitation by encouraging anyone in need to seek help.
Themed “Qegħdin hawn biex ngħinuk u mhux biex niġġudikawk” , this campaign shall present to the public rich audio and visual content over the various media platforms, in a targeted attempt to help understand the culture and the resultant pressures surrounding these youths.
Growing up is all about choices, and each and every choice is crucial in shaping the path ahead. Acquiring valuable knowledge on drugs and other substances while wearing a youth’s shoes helps in providing them with the essential knowledge to steer away from the risk of consuming any.
Thousands are benefitting from investments in our Islands and it is thanks to these investments that the Islands’ communities can thrive, even while being at the forefront of a global pandemic.